Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Putting "Caring" Into Health Care

It occurred to me today as I sat in ICU with my father, that nothing is what it seems. Spending years watching the news media report on the state legislature should have convinced me of this. However, I am en eternal optimist and trust what people say - apparently too much.

The hospital ER was clean, organized and well staffed. Common sense,intelligence and a spirit of caring ran through the blood of the docs and nurses there. I was grateful for them and their concern for my father. I love him, warts and all, and don't expect others to feel the same. Magically, his charm won them over and they bent over backwards to make sure his medical needs were met. They truly "cared" for him and it showed - charm or not.

Somewhere between the ER and the ICU, the human spirit was lost on staff. He spent over 24 hours flat on his back; no food or water. We waiting for the promised doctor who never showed until a big scene was made and lies we were told began to unravel. We were told the surgeon would be there in the morning and then the afternoon. The reality was the surgeon was never scheduled.

I know there are worse stories than this out there. I don't mean to be so dramatic...however, what if he had no family to stand up for him? People need to be treated with love and respect, and professionalism. Not placated and turned over to the next shift.

The fuss raised the eyebrows of a few in control who made sure he was finally looked after and given food and drink. When the specialist was made aware of his patient, he was furious with staff and apologized to my father, who accepted willingly. Isn't that all we want when we are wronged??? Recognition and respect.

It does not matter what career you are in or what job you have let's all remember to care enough to go the extra mile. I know my father would appreciate it.


At February 5, 2009 at 9:23 PM , Blogger HouseMasterPilot said...

Laura - We didn't know your dad was in the hospital. You are so right about common care and courtesy. It really comes down to leadership and how much the spirit of caring is infused into the leadership of a particular organization. I know when you lead, you infuse that into the example you set and expect of those around you. - Wendy & Hal


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