Saturday, February 28, 2009

Calling on Arizona Republican Women!!!

Republican Ladies, if you ever wanted to be more involved in the issues at your local level or state level,here is a great opportunity to learn more about the ins and outs of our great state. Grooming Republican women to take on leadership roles at all levels is what this program is all about. Arizona needs you! Consider applying today.

What is the Dodie Londen Series? When was it founded and why?

In 2007, Christine J. Toretti launched the Winning Women: Leadership for the New Century initiative in Arizona to engage more women in the party as voters, donors and leaders. A resident of Tucson, Arizona, Christine J. Olson, CEO of S.W. Jack Drilling Co. and Pennsylvania’s GOP National Committeewoman, accepted the challenge to spearhead this effort in Arizona and established the Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series in January 2007.

The Dodie Londen Series is an annual training program for Republican women in Arizona that prepares women to be more effective leaders in government, politics, and in the community. Participants each have a goal to increase their level of involvement in public life as party leaders, elected or appointed officials, as grassroots activists, and/or as community leaders.

Each year a class of talented women representing all regions of Arizona will participate in intensive training sessions over the course of nine months to gain information, tools and skills to enhance their civic and political participation. This executive training program for Republican women is modeled after the successful Anne B. Anstine Excellence in Public Service Series, which began in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 2002 and the Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series founded in the state of Indiana in 1990.

How much time do class members spend with the Dodie Londen Series?

Class members participate in 9 required training sessions beginning in October and concluding in June of each year. Class members travel to different parts of Arizona to attend a training session each month. Each month, the Dodie Londen Class gathers in Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and other parts of Arizona for a one-day training program. Class members typically arrive on Thursday evening for an optional networking dinner and spend Friday from 8am to 4pm participating in a training session. There are two exceptions to this type of schedule. The state government session is scheduled when the legislature is in session. Also, during the month of May, the Dodie Londen Class meets in Washington, DC for 2 ½ days from Tuesday evening through Thursday evening for a federal government session. This session is a national meeting of all state programs.

How much does the Dodie Londen Series cost a class member?

When accepted to the program, class members pay a one-time $150 participation fee. Some class members have paid this fee personally while others have had this fee paid by their employer or local Republican committee. Additionally, class members are responsible for travel costs to and from the monthly training sessions including parking. The Dodie Londen Series pays for hotel accommodations, meals and other program costs.

How are participants chosen each year for the Dodie Londen Series?

Class members are chosen through a two-tier selection process. First, applicants must submit a written application due May 1st. The selection committee comprised of advisory board members select finalists from a review of the written applications. Finalists are offered a personal interview with members of the selection committee. Interviews take place in late May of every year. For an application or more information, contact Bernadette S. Comfort, executive director at 520-609-6347.

Who was Dodie Londen?

One of Arizona's grandest ladies and certainly the Grand Dame of the Arizona Republican Party, AZ-TV Chairman Dodie Londen was born May 31, 1930 on a farm near Holdredge, Nebraska. She graduated from Barnes Business School in Denver, Colorado and went to work in Denver as a secretary. In 1951, she married Jack Londen and in July of 1962 they moved their family of six to Arizona.

Through her selfless service to her church, charitable organizations and the Republican Party, Dodie will be remembered as a world-class leader, mentor and friend. Dodie's political activities and accomplishments are legendary.

As the first woman ever to serve as Chairman of the Arizona Republican party, Dodie used her professional leadership, wisdom and kindness to lead the party to unprecedented prominence and national respect. Her legacy of financial stability and open door policy will serve the Republican Party for years to come. As one political reporter wrote, "She did more to unite the GOP than anyone else in decades...a tough act to follow."

She served as the Treasurer and Program Chairman for the National Federation of Republican Women and President of the Arizona Federation of Republican Women. She was active in numerous political campaigns and counted President Ronald Reagan as a close friend. With all of her political achievements, she considered being a precinct committeeman one of her most important political positions.

Dodie once said, "I believe an individual should be judged by his or her record of commitment, performance and achievement." Even by those high standards, Dodie truly achieved greatness!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Gay Legislator Votes No on Gay Marriage

As reported in the Minnesota Independent newspaper, and captured on United Families International's blog,, the office of State Sen. Paul Koering, a gay Republican representing a district near Brainerd, Minn., responds by e-mail to criticism over his decision not to vote for the Marriage and Family Protection Act, a bill that would make gay marriage legal in Minnesota.

The gist? Legislators can’t “waste their time” with “pointless legislation.” The mass e-mail, penned by an impassioned Ken Swecker, Koering’s legislative assistant, concludes with the punchline: “I’ve already wasted too much time in responding to you.”

Here’s the full letter:

My name is Ken Swecker, Senator Koering’s Legislative Assistant. Senator Koering and I both would like to respond to the e-mails we’ve been receiving regarding his intention to not vote in favor of Senate File 120. I am currently responding to the e-mails to give you the Senator’s home phone number so that you might call him over the weekend and speak with him personally on the matter. This much he asked me to do.

To add to that, as a personal statement, is to say that SF 120 is something that the majority of the People of Senate District 12, the People that he was elected to represent, do not favor this piece of legislation. In case you have forgotten, we are a government of the People, by the People, and for the People. He was not elected serve his personal interests. I personally believe that instead of sending e-mails full of threats and hateful words you should take his example to heart and congratulate him on being a legislator who cares more about what the People of his district want than what he may want personally. You and I both know that this is a rare quality to find, and just because this is contrary to how you wish for him to vote, you must remember and respect he is here to represent the interests of his rural Minnesota constituents who voted him into office. As a constituent of his myself, I am happy to see him take non-personal votes on several issues. After all, I would not want another politician taking another vote that would serve his or her personal interests more so than the People’s, would you?

I can testify all day long about how much Senator Koering cares for the People of Senate District 12. He ran three consecutive times, being defeated the first two, and why did he put himself through so much hard work? Do you think it was because he needed another job? Absolutely not! He did it because he believed he was the best person to serve the People that he calls neighbors, friends, and family. And especially now, in a time like this, we are being bogged down with this completely pointless issue. There are People in Morrison and Crow Wing Counties, and across the State who are losing their jobs, their homes, their insurance, and were you to ask them if this is an issue that should take one second of precedent over these conditions they’re facing every day, do you believe, do you honestly believe that they would say to you, ‘Yes, please, waste the time of the State Legislature with a piece of legislation that will not help, but in fact, overshadow the current situation we’re living in? Please, waste their time with this piece of legislation while I tell my son and daughter that mom and dad aren’t hungry tonight?’

I know very well that you will respond to this e-mail of mine with some probably quirky, snide, and very thoughtless comment that will make me out to be a bad person and threaten the Senator even more just as most of the absolutely tactless and disrespectful e-mails we’ve received have been written, but really, don’t waste your time. We’ll just put your e-mail where it belongs, in the trash.

The Senator’s home number is

He’s free on the weekends.

Very Sincerely, every word of it,
Ken Swecker

I hope you do not believe that this e-mail was written specific to the one that you sent, this is a blanket e-mail, being sent to everyone who has e-mailed us on this issue and I’ve already wasted too much time in responding to you. Good day.

Senator Paul Koering
District 12
131 State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155-1206

Sunday, February 22, 2009

SNL "Bailout Skit" Censored

Last year Saturday Night Live produced a "Bailout" skit, which created political problems for NBC. Even though the skit was seen live, the powers at NBC pulled the skit from being televised.

The video was spiked to shut it down on the Internet. But aha, there are still some sites that have it.

Be sure to forward this around to as many people as possible.

SNL has never censored conservative points of view. Looks like Big Brother Democrats has some explaining to do.

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Tit for Tat?

At the top right hand corner of Page 17 of the New York Post of January 24th, 2009, was a short column entitled "Replacing Michelle" in the National Review "The Week" column. Here it is, word for word ......

'Some employees are simply irreplaceable. Take Michelle Obama: The University of Chicago Medical Center hired her in 2002 to run "programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting."

In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.

Oh did we mention that her husband had just become a US Senator? He sure had. Requested a $1 Million earmark for the UC Medical Center, in fact. Way to network Michelle!

But now that Mrs Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain unfilled. How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000?

We can think of only one explanation: Senator Roland Burris's wife wasn't interested.

---The Editors of National Review, writing in the Magazine's Feb 9 issue.'

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Feminists Fail Women...and Families

The Destruction of the Family

Just one short generation ago, the family ruled. It was fashionable to be from a large family where roles were clearly defined. Father knew best and mother was always there to feed, comfort and rely upon. For the most part, dad was the breadwinner, mom the nurturer. Children were expected to be the product of marriage and marriage was only between a man and a woman. Divorce rates were low and the majority couples stayed married for most of their lives. Welfare roles were almost non-existent as were out-of-wedlock births. The family might not have been perfect, but it was intact and the lack of social programs and crime reflected it.

In order to follow the history of the changing family, one must only follow the history of the feminist movement. The correlation between the two clearly outlines the influence radical feminism has had on the breakdown of the family.
For over forty years, the family has been under scrutiny and attack that was brought on by the U.S. radical feminist movement that started in the 1960s. Today the family is certainly different than what it once was.

The Beginning of Radical Feminism

There are three types of women in the world: radical feminists, mainstream feminists and the majority.

Modern feminism, or what has been coined radical feminism, has its roots in the American culture that dates from late 1960s to the early 1970s. Before this time, women who fought to change cultural norms did so with no intention of breaking down the family. They were clearly not anti-marriage. They just wanted women to have more choices in their lives.
By 1969 noted University of Chicago sociology professor Marlene Dixon brazenly declared, "The institution of marriage is the chief vehicle for the perpetuation of the oppression of women; it is through the role of wife that the subjugation of women is maintained." Marriage was referred to "as a slavery-like practice” that needed to be destroyed to bring about equality between men and women. The “heart of radical feminism” designed to save women, was now on a mission to destroy not only marriage, but in the process - families.

Mainstreaming the Anti-Marriage Message Around the World.

Since the 1970s, the radical feminist message was mainstreamed throughout the American culture, having a detrimental influence on the intellectual formation of millions of students. The next generation of radical feminists have in turn taken up the cause and taken the battle to the halls of the United Nations. The United Nations process becomes the catalyst to spreading the anti-marriage, anti-family message internationally through official documents and treaties, like CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of All Discrimination Against Women. If signed and ratified, nations become enslaved by appointed councils that demand the radical changes espoused by those whose ultimate goal is to destroy families and those who stand in the way. Women’s rights are promoted as human rights and include abortion – disguised as a health and reproductive right.
In a world where developing countries continue to experience higher than normal rates of death during delivery, lack of education for women, female infanticide and sex-selective abortion, radical feminists prefer to mainstream “genderless societies” to vulnerable and often unaware nations.

As an example, recent women’s rights legislation, masquerading as the “Magna Carta of Women,” is making its way through the Philippine Congress. UN radical feminists, rumored to have written most of the language, have managed to inject anti-family and anti-life policy that conflicts with the Philippine Constitution that protects “the sanctity of family life” as well as protecting the “life of the unborn from conception.” The language in the Magna Carta is almost exactly what was used by CEDAW Compliance members in a 1994 UN report that creates confusion between the nation’s culture, laws and constitution and this new law regarding women’s rights.

The radical feminist movement of false truth would have the women of the world believe that men and religion are corrupt, marriage is slavery and bearing and raising children is beneath them. The reality is most women agree and want the right to be educated, vote, own property and be treated as an equal in marriage by the law. But, the feminists have taken the battle of women’s rights to a new low. Their agenda does not take into account that women are part of a family and families are the bedrock of a good and healthy society.

The Truth About Marriage and Family

While radical feminists see marriage as a “patriarchal” institution that harms women and children, the facts are mothers who give birth and raise children outside of a stable marriage are seven times more likely to live in poverty.
• Over 80 percent of child poverty in the United States is within divorced or single-family households.
• Domestic violence is most common in cohabiting households. And mothers who do not marry are twice as likely to suffer from domestic violence as mothers who are or have been married.
• Social science research continually confirms that the effects of marriage and intact families are overwhelmingly positive for men, women, children, communities and society.
• Some of the benefits of intact families are: greater health, longer lives, more education, and higher income, less domestic violence, less poverty, less crime, less addiction, less teenage pregnancies, and less depression.

So, the question remains, has the feminist movement advanced the cause of women by bringing greater equality and freedom to dissolve unhappy marriages and independence in family life, and more career opportunities – or not?
The answer is simple and devastating. Divorce has generated new forms of inequality for women by way of greater economic insecurity and poverty. Divorce has transformed women from haves to have-nots. Divorce has not moved women closer to the social goal of gender equality. Instead, women now bear double responsibility for breadwinning and child-rearing – and most do it alone. Women are now working harder and falling further behind. Divorce rates have increased as have welfare rolls.
• Between the years 1950 and 1996, the annual divorce rate increased by 89 percent, while the annual marriage rate among unmarried women age 15 and older decreased by 45 percent.
• States with a lower percentage of single-parent families, on average, will have lower rates of juvenile crime. State-by-state analysis indicates that, in general, a ten-percent increase in the number of children living in single-parent homes (including divorces) accompanies a seventeen-percent increase in juvenile crime.
• Married couples and their families have much higher incomes and greater assets than do single adults or single-parent households
Women want to be a functional part of a healthy, good society where they can learn and grow and raise a family. They do not want to be misled by the radical agenda of a few who would rather destroy the family.

Join United Families International at in fighting for the family. They will be attending the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) in March. It is there that we will be fighting again to promote and protect a future for the family. The radical feminists will be out in force and your support is needed. Help us to spread the truth to the nations of the world and ensure every child will have a family with a mother and a father to belong to.

This article was written by United Families International 2-10-09

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My generation

I wanted to share something with everyone that means alot to me. This young man, Jonathan Reed created a video and entered it into a contest for the AARP. The video, I feel, sums up what alot of us young people are feeling during these exciting and terrifying times. With the political and economic turmoil that we see all around us, my generation is beginning to step-up and have their voices be heard. Whether it is Obama supporters who drew record numbers of young people to be actively involoved in the political process, or the many Young Republicans and Republican Professionals who opposed their ideals, one thing is certain, We want to be heard. We want to stand up and be counted. We want to make a difference. This video is an excellent demonstration of my generation. Please enjoy!!