SWINE FLU and Other Pandemic Updates
Swine Flu or H1N1 Flu Update:
The AZ Republic just reported that Governor Brewer has applied for millions of dollars in federal aid to prepare our state for the fall Swine Flu rebound. So, is the Swine flu a problem or not?
Health Care Reform:
In an unprecedented move, Barack Obama, the President of these United States, is holding another...yes, another press conference on why health care reform legislation that will cost a trillion dollars should be passed before the summer break without vetting or debate. What happened to transparency,lower taxes,less government and more choices???
Labels: H1N1 flu, Obama healthcare, Swine Flu
I'm finding it hilarious watching the president try to strong-arm this healthcare debacle through while keeping his usual distance from the fray.
Obama's word count is considerable, he can rhyme with the best of them, but he says absolutely nothing.
His press conference made no difference, conveyed no real ideas, answered no hard questions and was symbolic of his entire administratioin.
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